Frequently Asked Questions
Transaction IDs
" In general, our app processes SQS message sent when purchase is made. Such message contains JSON payload including “transactionId”, e.g. "transactionId":”47208”. I’ve noticed, that this parameter isn’t unique. There are SQS messages sent for other purchases with the same “transactionId”. We were using this parameter before to filter out incoming SQS purchases originating from our API calls to Phorest, so that we don’t have duplicated orders. Is there any unique parameter we could rely on?
When making "post /api/business/{businessId}/branch/{branchId}/purchase” request, Phorest API returns the following data:
"purchaseId": "lLgBszR0rFFPhQe6J_UFcw",
"transactionNumber": 23157
As I understand “transactionNumber” is the same as “transactionId” from SQS message. Is there a way to fetch “purchaseId”, which seems like a unique value? It’s missing in SQS message and I cannot find any API method to get order / purchase details?"
The transactionId is unique for each branch. So there might be repeated transaction IDs if a business has two or more branches. The way to tell the purchases apart is by using both the transactionId and the branchId.
Uploading Images
"Can we use the API to upload images by using the Booking endpoint?"
Currently we don't offer any way to add images via the API. A workaround might be for you to host your images somewhere of your choosing and include the link to the image into the appointment notes:!/Booking/appendNoteToBooking.
" I am trying to find out whether we can manage online bookings on our website with Phorest. Is it integratable with WordPress? Or how does it usually work?"
You can integrate Phorest and add the Online Booking feature to your own website. Please see this link explaining How do I set up Online Booking on my website? Here you can find more info on How to embed the booking widget into a responsive website
"How do I link Phorest up to Shopify"
Phorest does not support integration with Shopify.
Phorest Online Store syncs straight with your salon stock and your clients. You can find the Online Store FAQs by clicking here.
Xero & Quickbooks
Phorest supports integration with Xero & Quickbooks, for more information click here.
Updated 4 months ago